Shop your local stores now

Wine, liquor, beer, and more delivered right to your door.

Alcohol delivered right to your door

How Minibar Delivery works

Enter Your Address

Once you tell us your location, we’ll show you what’s available to you today from our local store partners.


Browse from thousands of new, local, well-known items from wine, liquor, beer and mixers, to flowers, glassware, and more. Select your favorites, add to cart, and easily checkout on our website or apps.

Sit Back & Relax

Your order will be delivered to your door in as little as 30-60 minutes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is alcohol delivery legal?

Yes, alcohol delivery is legal in the cities and states Minibar Delivery serves. We've been helping local stores deliver wine, spirits, and beer for over five years!

How long does delivery take?

In most cases, deliveries take 30–60 minutes, but delivery times are subject to the stores themselves, and other variables such as time of day, order volume, and traffic conditions. The delivery expectation and delivery fees for each store are listed on the various product pages.

How can I tip my delivery driver?

In markets where tips are accepted, the order will default to a tip that you can easy edit or change during checkout to your desired amount. You can also give the driver a cash tip if you would rather instead of adding it at checkout. Drivers appreciate your tips and are a critital part of getting your orders delivered to you.

Are there any fees for alcohol delivery?

In most of our delivery markets, there is a $5 delivery fee applied to each order. These fees are in place to help our retail partners offset costs involved in the delivery of your order.

Shop your local stores now

Wine, beer, and liquor delivered in as little as 30–60 minutes.

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