and Operated Businesses
We are committed to the transformation of our business into one that promotes equality for all by taking actions to improve diversity in our company, retailer partners, and the beverage industry. We are excited to share these BIPOC and women-owned brands with you and encourage you to support them with us.
spirited change initiative Bottles
spirited change initiative Bottles 2
The Spirited Change Initiative
It has become clear that the beverage alcohol industry is much less diverse than it should be and, in many cases, lags far behind other industries. At Minibar Delivery, we're committed to helping grow BIPOC and women-owned businesses and pushing our industry forward. Through ReserveBar, we've partnered with brands big and small and have joined in their commitment to more than $5M to support these businesses.
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For too long, rum has struggled to move beyond its complicated history. At Ten To One, we’ve endeavored to build a brand that is “elevated but not exclusive,” grounded in authentic elements of Caribbean culture and heritage, with a narrative that is both compelling and contemporary.
